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Mais uma agressão a um professor e o sindicato cale-se


Mais uma agressão a um professor, mais um post, mais um silêncio do sindicato. Agora foi em Valadares.


O tema é o mesmo de posts recentes: mais uma agressão a professores que veio a público. A indisciplina e a falta de respeito dos pais e alunos assustam e revelam uma certa perda de bem senso na relação com a sociedade.


O que diz o Sindicato sobre mais uma agressão? O mesmo de sempre: silêncio.

A homepage do site da Fenprof neste momento está assim.

Fala-se em "greve", "comício", "aposentação", "rejuvenesver". Mas pergunto eu: que jovem quer ir para professor, com tanta indisciplina nas escolas? Sujeito a levar com agressões de pais, avós e alunos? Que defesa faz um sindicato que não olha para os problemas das escolas reais? É que nem das colocações longínquas fala?


Não sou professor, mas enquanto cidadão incomoda-me este silêncio do Sindicato.



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publicado às 14:33

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De Anónimo a 19.05.2019 às 00:03

Adguard- The Best Adblocker
Hey guys my name is Spider-Man and today I am glad to tell you that if you are annoyed and irritated by ads and popups then I have a solution.

My Experience With Adguard
I was searching for a powerful adblocker which can block every ads including google ads. And finally i found that. i read someone's answer on quora and there he was talking about this application. I remember that i have heard about this app many time ago. But i ignored thinking that it may not work. Now I thought that lets try this one and take a look if it works. I visited to their website and downloaded APK.

How good it is to block ads?

THE BEST . I have tried a lot of adblockers and searched a lot for blocking ads on my devices including android and windows. But finally I am here, and this is my last and best option. There is no doubt that this is the best and fastest adblocker on the market. It blocks all ads including google ads, ads on adult websites and many more.

How To Download? and Install?

I am an android user, so i am going to tell about how to install it on android. if you own a different device like Windows/Iphone/Mac then go to their website where you can find guides and tutorials how to install this adblocker. Or you can simply search on google.
Possibly its the easiest way to install an adblocker. Go to their website and there you'll find a Download link at the bottom of the page. Download and install the apk. if you have a problem or it is showing that installation blocked then go to your device setting/security/unknown sources and check the box of unknown sources. Don't worry, its not a malware/adware.. and it is completely 100% trusted. Later we will talk about this. After completing installation it will show you a little guide. Read that guide for better understanding.

Setup Process:-
Setting up this adblocker is also easy. At the home page it has a turn on and off button. Click there to turn in on. For first time it will ask you for allowing, just click ok and now you can see your VPN is connected.


Okay this application is free but for better adblocking you should buy premium. Not you only get all fetures but also you'll support the developers. Your one purchase means a lot to them.

Premium Features:-
1. HTTPS Filtering:- This is the best feature of this app. in free version if the website is in HTTPS then adguard can't block ads inside them. but enabking this premium feature you'll be able to block ads even if the website is in HTTPS. This is now-a-days useful because now most of the websites are in HTTPS.

My Favourite Features

1. DNS Changing:- YES ADGUARD ALLOWS US TO CHANGE DNS. This is useful for me and as well as to everyone. And the best thing is there is lot of dns servers there

1. App Management:- Probably one of best feature of this application. You can easily turn on or off in which app you want to route traffic. This is best because if you have problem of opening any application you can simply turn off for that particular app.

Privacy & Safety

Is adguard safe? Yes 100% completely. Once i asked them that "Well adguard is work via vpn, then are you logging our data? or our traffic?. " And the answer is astonishing. They said, "No. we don't log any data or any information. "And about VPN they said " Yes, adguard works via vpn and in this case the server of that vpn is located in your device.. so there is no server." This means that when you are visiting any website then it goes through your adguard application and then it filters ads and shows only original content. Huh.. you don't need to worry about anything.

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